You are currently viewing 5 Zero Waste Cleaning Products that Will Revolutionize Your Home!
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  • Post last modified:January 7, 2024

Hey there, I’m Rachel, the mother of two, and I’m here to tell you all about zero waste cleaning products. I know what it’s like to be a busy mom with two little ones running around the house. Keeping the home clean and orderly is a top priority, and finding ways to do it in a safer and more sustainable way is even better.

It’s no secret that conventional household cleaning products are made up of dangerous chemicals that can be hazardous to our health. In fact, the EPA reports that some of the top leading toxins in the home come from cleaning products. Many of these products are known for their strong odors and their potential to trigger allergic reactions and even illnesses in my family. I’m always on the hunt for safer alternatives.

That’s why I’ve taken an interest in zero waste cleaning products lately. Zero waste products refer to items made out of non-toxic, natural ingredients. These cruelty-free products are also often plant-based and biodegradable. What’s more, they’re generally free of perfumes and any other synthetic fragrances, which I appreciate because I suffer from allergies and sensitivities.

The best thing about zero waste cleaning products is that they don’t just promote a safe and healthy home environment, but they’re also much friendlier to the environment overall. That’s why I’ve been trying to find ways to incorporate these products into my regular cleaning routine.

My approach has been to slowly but surely replace my current products with zero waste cleaning products. I’ve been amazed at just how many options there are out there. For instance, I’ve already replaced my all-purpose cleaner and my oven cleaner with zero waste products.

I’ve been particularly impressed with the all-purpose cleaner I’ve been using. It’s made up of a simple combination of liquid castile soap, vinegar, and citrus essential oils. I use it in the kitchen and bathroom and it does the job every time! And the best part is that it leaves behind no harsh chemical smell.

For the oven, I’ve been using a zero waste baking soda paste. It’s a mix of three parts baking soda with one part water or vinegar. All I have to do is apply it with a damp cloth, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then go in with my scrubber. With a little elbow grease, I can have my oven shining in no time.

I’m planning to slowly expand the use of zero waste cleaning products in other areas of the home. For my windows and mirrors, I’ve been using a mix of vinegar and lemon juice. It really does a great job at getting those surfaces sparkling clean. And for my dishwasher, I’ve found a great zero waste detergent that does the job without any damaging chemicals.

For me, finding zero waste cleaning products has been an awesome way to keep my family safe and healthy, as well as protect the environment. It’s been a great way to feel a little better about the cleaning products I’m using every day.

So if you’d like to clean green the next time you tackle your household chores, look into zero waste cleaning products. I think you’ll be surprised at the many options available to you. And who knows, you might even like what you find!

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